Installation of Node-RED

About Node-RED 

Node-RED is a FOSS developed by IBM used to make apps and services in the world of  IoT.It can be used for both hardware, software and web related services. Node-RED is a web browser based GUI that does not require difficult coding to make applications.

Installation of Node-RED

1)Refer the given link to install the node js and complete the check up wizard and complete the installation wizard


2) Type the command given below to check the successful installation of node js and install the node package manager (npm) by giving the following command in the command prompt

Ø  node-v

Ø  npm install –g node-red

3) Type the following command to check successful installation of Node-RED in your system

Ø  node-red –v 

4) Type the provided link in your web browser to open the Node-RED software


Reference : 


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